Thursday, October 13, 2011


‎"What?" I asked.

"Yes Kate. He was involved in an accident on the way to watch the rugby game." Mike answered slowly as if to make sure I heard it properly.

I couldn't believe it. I left him just fine when we went home! I was about to ask Mike more questions but I saw Ann from the corner of my left eye. She was walking in our direction with a worried expression. I was surprised as she worked from the other side of town and had not called to let me know she was coming over. 

"Hi Kate, how are you?" Ann asked.

"Not good." I replied.

"Yea, thought so too. You know about what happened to Fred?" She asked.

"You mean you knew? Was I the only out missing the info?

"No. Mike was the one who told me a couple of hours ago."

"Couple of hours ago? Is that going to make me feel better Ann?" I shouted.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to break to you."

"Where is he now?" I asked Mike.

"He is at the General Hospital. You can go visit him in the evening."

"Why not now?" I asked.

"Because you will not be allowed to. And you have to ask permission to leave work." Mike replied scratching his head.

He was right. I had forgotten I was working now. Oh my God! Why did this happen to him? My boss could not just let me leave at this time.
"Kate, are you alright?" Ann asked. I hadn't realized I had started sobbing infront of them. I just could not hold it anymore. I loved Fred so much and was afraid I was going to loose him.

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