Monday, January 6, 2014

Festive Season

Christmas was here with us again. Fred and I had not made any plans yet so we decided we should chill at the house during that period. Mike and Ann had gone to Mike’s home place to spend the holidays there and also get the extended family to see their baby. My mum had already moved to the city by then but she spent the holidays with her sister. My brother and his family had gone to the Alps for a bit of adventure. Fred’s family was still at home but they were having some guests dropping by.

The streets were a bit empty when we took a walk one day. It was like everyone had left town to go visit their family or go for a holiday. But I enjoyed it so much. There was no traffic issue so going to and from one place to the other took a quarter of what we were used to. I remember this day when I visited one of the new malls on the other side of the street. I expected to take almost thirty minutes or so but I only took exactly seven minutes from the house! The lines at the supermarkets were the only depressing thing that could happen. There were not many people but most of their trolleys were full with shopping to last them days! I waited for almost twenty minutes to be served.The Christmas decorations were so beautiful. It brought out the warm feeling that was. I got to take a lot of pictures with Fred.

On the 25th of December, I woke up to the sweet aroma of coffee. I looked at the other side of the bed but it was empty. Fred had already woken up and he was the one preparing the coffee. I dragged myself to the kitchen and saw him arranging cups on the small tray that I use to serve my guests with. He was surprised to see me up that early.

“Morning.” I said.

“Morning, what the hell are you doing up this early?” he asked.

“I should ask you the same question. What are you cooking?”

“I was brewing some coffee for you and had already done some sandwich.” He said.

“Really? That’s a nice surprise!”

We had tea in the kitchen then spent the rest of the day watching movies. I received a couple of messages from my friends and family wishing us a merry Christmas. I also made an effort to call them up and wish them the same too.

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